The planning and supervision of a construction project, rebuilding or substantial alterations, requires the coordination and involvement of a large number of professionals and contractors if the work is to be done satisfactorily, on time and within budget. We are able to handle any size and type of project throughout the phases as follows:
• Initiation stage;
• Planning and design stage;
• Execution and production stage;
• Monitoring and controlling and mitigation of risks;
• Completion
As Project managers, we ensure efficient contract administration by liaising and coordinating the project consultants, contractors, and suppliers to ensure that the project is delivered to specifications, on budget and on time. This service also includes undertaking procurement advice, risk management and eventually a property audit and evaluation. At Sonneb Valuers & Consultants Limited, we also assist clients to negotiate for and secure, on their behalf, project finances. We are well acquainted with the systems and processes of banks and other financial institutions in the country. We are well placed to assist clients to negotiate for finances as well as offer financial advice relating to their project